Nagoya Institute of Technology
Medical Engineering Laboratory
Founded in October 2003 as a laboratory attached to NIT and approved to be established for Virtual Laboratory of NIT
Director: Hideo FUJIMOTO,
Professor of Nagoya Institute of Technology Graduate
School of Engineering and Director of Quality Innovation Techno-Center
Members: About 40 researchers in medical science and engineering fields
(as of September 2004/ New members invited at any time)
This laboratory has been advertising for about 10 enterprise members since June 2004.
Membership fee: Operational expenses (\50,000/ month ×12 months)
(After setting up a research project, expenses for research etc. will be necessary for every project.)
This Medical Engineering Lab aims to become a global base for new industry creation and for researches of wide range of medical engineering field from development of training system of medical education and surgical operation support apparatus to fields of genetic treatment, regeneration treatment, and welfare.
Advantages to join Medical Engineering Lab:
  • It is possible to exchange opinions with various researchers of engineering and medical science.
  • It is possible to set up a cooperation research project of medical science and engineering appropriate for the needs.
  • The aims are to set up medical engineering projects of university-industry collaboration and to create new products and new industries.
  • Surgical operation apparatus
    • Tele-operation, minute operation
    • Capsule endoscope
    • Support for orthopedics
    • Micro-dome, soft fingers
  • Training for medical treatment
    • Training for surgical operation, training for injection
    • Training for dental treatment
    • Force simulation of deformation of soft object
  • Nano-/ Micro-
    • Genetic treatment
    • Regeneration medical treatment
  • Welfare support
    • Wheelchair simulator
    • Walking support system
    • Prevention of physical and muscular handicap
Keywords for Medical Engineering Research Project

Particulars of Medical Engineering Laboratory:
For Medical Engineering Laboratory, intramural researchers of engineering and researchers of medical science in Tokai District have carried out the activities aiming to explore a research field led by medical engineering. Medical engineering is in the compound boundaries of medical science and engineering, and a lot of fields are associated with this field (see Fig. 1).
In 2002, enlightening lectures were held 5 times, inviting extramural researchers of medical science as lecturers, with more than 250 participants. In May of 2003, lecture on preparation for establishment (with 120 participants, see Fig. 2) was held. And this laboratory was established formally in October 2003 after arranging intramural regulations. This laboratory is drawing attention of not only researchers but also local societies, enterprises, and administration (see Fig. 3).
At present, about 40 members are carrying out several medical engineering research projects. We aim to research medical engineering field and create a new industry by strengthening the cooperation with regional enterprises and companies as well as attempt to increase members and research projects. We look forward to many participants in this laboratory.

Fig.1 医学工学関連研究分野

Fig.2 V.L.医学工学研究所創設準備講演会

Fig.3 V.L.医学工学研究所関連新聞記事
Inquiries and Application:
Masamichi Sakaguchi,
Associate Professor of Graduate School of Engineering Nagoya Institute of Technology
TEL&FAX: +81-52-735-7144